Complete Care
120+ Point Comprehensive Exam Bitewing X-Rays Panoramic Imaging Maintenance and Care Plan $39.00Cleaning. -
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120+ Point
While at home care and maintenance play a huge part of your dental health, it’s important to know the condition of the gums, enamel, bite and other key elements of each and every tooth. With proper bi-annual comprehensive examinations we can alert you to potential future issues as well as direct you on how to improve issues and the overall dental health and life of your smile.
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X Rays
With detailed x-rays we can explore the upper and lower back teeth in a single view. These X-rays are used to check for decay between the teeth and to show how well the upper and lower teeth line up. They also show bone loss when severe gum disease or a dental infection is present.
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While x-rays give us an indepth view at many issues, we examine even further delivering ultimate care and the peace of mind about your overall dental health.
Panoramic X-rays show a broad view of the jaws, teeth, sinuses, nasal area, and jaw joints. These X-rays show problems such as impacted teeth, bone abnormalities, cysts, solid growths/tumors, infections, and fractures.
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Maintenance &
Brushing your teeth twice-a-day isn’t just a suggestion it’s scientifically proven to reduce decay and prolong the health of your teeth. The bacteria that causes gum disease and decay sets in after 20 hours and begins to do its damage. By brushing twice-a-day, flossing daily and seeing us for regular check-ups... win the battle against gum disease and tooth decay.
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Loveland's Healthy
Smile Experts
Once we’ve completed your Free Complete Care Examination, addressed potential dental issues and follow-up care treatment; we’ll give you and each family member we’ve examined, a special low introductory New Patient Price of $39.00on your first cleaning (during a follow-up visit).
No gimmicks no obligations: After your Free Complete Care Examination, you’re welcome to proceed with our recommended dental-health-steps or to simply say, “Thank You!” and be on your, way. We want to be absolutely clear... You pay Nothing, Zilch, Zero, Not a Dime for our Complete Care Examination.
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Loveland's Healthy
Smile Experts